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Final fantasy trading card game app

final fantasy trading card game app

If both players consecutively «pass priority» choose not to add another effect to the stack , the top effect on the stack resolves the most recent one added then players may once again add effects to the stack. Become a Redditor and join one of thousands of communities. The card text describes different abilities a Character has, or a Summon’s effects. Ice-type cards specialize in slowing down the opponent.

Final Fantasy Trading Card Game

Similar to other trading card games, players build decks of cards and battle each other using. Square Enix announced they will release the final fantasy trading card game app first card set «Opus 1» in English on October 28,featuring unique cards. Each turn, players spend their Crystal Points to play other cards. Crystal Points are provided in two ways: either by Dulling turning sideways a Backup card, providing one Crystal Point of its type, or by discarding a card from the player’s hand, providing two Crystal Points of that card’s type. To successfully play a card, the player must pay at least one CP of its type, and enough other CP to make up its cost. The exceptions are Light and Dark type cards; these have no type requirements for paying their costs, and cannot be discarded for CP. The game is won by attacking with Forwards.

Final Fantasy Trading Card Game

final fantasy trading card game app
The first iteration the «Chapters» series released in Japan in but never released outside Japan and was discontinued in order to release a second iteration the «Opus» series worldwide on October Each player uses a deck of 50 cards, with no more than 3 copies of the same card. Players play cards by spending Crystal Points, earned by «dulling» turning from vertical to horizontal Backup cards, or by discarding cards. The game features a wide range of Characters from games in the Final Fantasy series. The game has a global tournament circuit. As of September , the game had sold more than 3. Players build a deck of exactly 50 cards with no more than 3 copies of the same card.

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Similar to other trading card games, players build decks of cards and battle each other using. Square Enix aop they will release the game’s first card set «Opus 1» in English on October 28,featuring unique cards. Each turn, players spend their Crystal Points to play other cards.

Crystal Points are provided in two ways: either by Dulling turning sideways traading Backup card, providing one Crystal Point of its type, or by discarding a card from the player’s hand, providing two Crystal Points of that card’s type.

To successfully play a card, the player must pay at least one CP of its type, and enough other CP to make up its cost. The exceptions are Light and Dark type cards; these have no type requirements for paying their costs, and cannot be discarded for CP. The game is won by attacking with Forwards. The defending player can choose whether final fantasy trading card game app not to block attacking Forwards with their own Forwards. If two Forwards are in combat with each other, the Forward with the higher power destroys the other, and the loser is put into its owner’s Break Zone discards.

If the Forward was unblocked, it deals one damage to the defending player. Whenever a player is dealt damage, they put that many cards from the top of their deck into their Damage Zone.

When a player’s Damage Zone has seven cards in it, that player loses the game. To play a card or ability, a player announces the card or ability and any targets it has then pays any costs for it. Then, each other player may respond to that card or ability before it has its effect or enters the field, and the first player may respond to any actions the other players.

This is known as «the stack. Character cards Forwards and Backups can only be played if the stack is. A list of cards may be viewed. These are the cards that will be taking part in the game’s combat. They attack the opponent and defend against the opponent’s attacks. In the bottom right corner of each Forward card is a large number denoting their power.

Wpp at any point during a turn a Forward has taken more damage than its Power, it is put into the Break Zone. Forwards enter the field in an Active vertical state, but cannot attack or use abilities that require dulling until the beginning of the player’s next turn. Backups provide CP and have abilities that support your Forwards.

Backups are not affected by «summoning sickness» as Forwards are, but enter the field dulled. A player may only control up to five Backups at a time. If a player would control more than five, they choose any excess Backups and put them into the Break Zone.

Monsters are mostly notable for their support abilities. Their defining trait is that they are unaffected by summoning tradign, meaning that they can use their dull abilities the turn they enter the field. Many of them can also become Forwards for a turn at a time. Forwards, Backups, and Monsters are collectively called Character cards. If that card represents a specific person, a player may only control one card with that name at a time. They can’t play other cards with the same.

If they control more than one card with that name, they fantzsy put all of them into the Break Zone immediately. Finnal marked with the three-cards icon in the top right corner are exempt from this rule. Note that any number of players may control cards with the same name, just as long as no one player controls more than one of those cards. Summons are one-shot effects.

When they are played, instead of entering the field, they have the printed effect and are put into their owner’s Break Zone. Summons, along with activated abilities, can be played at fantsay time except for the Active Phase, Draw Phase, and End Phase. Items are used to strengthen a player’s characters.

Each Item has an Equip ability and a Return ability. Playing an Item card does not use the stack, and therefore cannot be responded to by Summons or abilities. Equip abilities are written as «Equip type. The item enters play attached to that character. Return abilities are written as «Return cost. An item in play not equipped to a character is put into its owner’s Break Zone. These abilities are designated by a cost usually CP or dulling followed by a colon. With a few exceptions, these abilities may be used at any time by paying their cost.

For example, to use Rosa’s ability, the player must dull tradinb, then choose any one Forward. Until end of turn, the next time that Forward would deal damage, that damage is reduced by All Forwards also have the ability to form a Party in battle.

When declaring an attack, the player may choose to form a Party of their Forwards that can attack. Forwards in a Party must all have the same Crystal Type or all have the «P» icon. Parties attack as if they were one Forward, and are blocked as if they were one Forward.

A party’s power is the sum of the power of its Forwards. When blocking a Party, a Forward may divide its damage among the members of that Party in any way. This ability can be used at any time fsntasy resolves immediately, bypassing the stack.

This also means that they cannot be responded to. Special abilities are a subset of activated abilities, and can be found by having the name in red text before the ability, and also have an «S» as part of their cost. The «S» means that the player must discard a card with the same name as the one with the ability you want to use. Then the player may choose one Forward and break it.

Passive abilities require no activation cost, and can either be continually in effect such as Yuna’s, which reduces the cost of all the player’s Summons by 1 or be a one-shot effect when a certain condition occurs such as Fang, who gains first strike until end of turn whenever she attacks.

EX Burst abilities work like triggered abilities, but they trigger when the card is placed in the Damage Zone. For example, the player may play the Moogle summon card normally and get its effect, or you can get its effect when it is placed in the Damage Zone from your final fantasy trading card game app.

When a character card has an EX Burst ability, it triggers when they enter the field or are put into the Damage Zone. Overdrive abilities act as an additional cost for a Character card. Overdrive abilities are written as » cost — When this Character enters the field, effect «, in addition to a card’s other abilities. When playing a Character card with an Overdrive ability, a player may also pay that card’s Overdrive cost to add the Overdrive text to the card.

Note that the payment occurs before the Character enters the field, so the decision to use an Overdrive happens before any other players can decide how to respond to the card being played. If the Overdrive cost is not paid, the text is ignored. Blue Magic abilities appear only on Monster cards, and allow them to be used similarly to Summon cards. Blue Magic abilities are written as «Blue Magic — cost : effect. A deck must have exactly 50 cards in it, and no gwme than three of any card with the same card trxding number.

At the beginning of the game, players shuffle their decks, decide who goes first, then draw five cards from their deck. The gaje whose turn it is draws two cards from their deck. If it is the first turn of the game, that player draws only one card. The player may choose a Forward they control that can attack and dull it to show that it is attacking.

The defending player may choose an active Forward they control and block with it. If a Forward is blocked, the two Forwards deal damage to each other equal to their power. Otherwise, if the Forward is unblocked, it deals one damage to the defending player, and that player puts one card from the top of their deck into their Damage Zone. Combats are resolved individually, so the player whose turn it is may repeat this process as long as they control Forwards that are able to attack.

Then it becomes the next player’s turn. Fire-type cards specialize in dealing damage outside of combat, and are generally fast and aggressive. Many cards have abilities that deal damage to Forwards when they enter the field. Ice-type cards specialize in slowing down the opponent. Many Ice cards can dull the opponent’s Forwards or make the opponent discard cards from their hand. Wind-type cards specialize in preempting the opponent’s plans.

Many Wind-type cards can set the player’s other cards to Active at fwntasy time, and are sensitive to the costs of the opponent’s cards. The Wind-type cards also have offensive abilities to put cards from the opponent’s deck into their Break Zone, taking advantage of the alternate win condition that states that a player loses the game when they have fangasy draw a card from their deck but can’t. Earth-type cards tend to focus on increasing the power of the player’s Forwards. Sometimes, this comes at a high cost, such as Kefka, who can boost the power of one of the player’s Forwards bybut breaks that Forward at end of turn.

Other Earth-type cards can make the player’s Forwards unable to be broken. Thunder-type cards have many abilities that can instantly break the opponent’s Forwards.

Most of these abilities are limited by the cost of those Forwards. For instance, Odin can only target Forwards that cost 4 or. Water-type cards mostly focus gam combat tricks and undoing the opponent’s actions.

Many Water-type cards can return cadd opponent’s Forwards and Backups from the field to their hand. Shine-type cards represent heroes and villains of the Final Fantasy series, and are mostly higher-powered versions of other cards. Therefore, there is no unique strength of Shine-type or Dark-type cards, though in general these cards are all powerful. If a second card of Shine or Dark-type enters the field, its trsding must immediately put all Shine or Dark-type cards they control into the Break Zone.

Beginner’s Guide to the Final Fantasy TCG!

Opus X — Ancient Champions

The player who goes first draws one card fantasyy the first turn, but every turn after that the turn player draws 2 cards. The type of a card is given by a text on the left, as well as the shape of the top and left frames of the card; there are four types of card:. An item in play not equipped to a character is put into its tradimg Break Zone. Summons, along with activated abilities, can be played at any time except for the Active Phase, Draw Phase, and End Phase. The «S» means that the player must discard a card with the same name as fial final fantasy trading card game app with the ability you dard to use. Overdrive abilities act as an additional cost for a Character card. The card name is written in a frame at the top of the card. If a Forward is blocked, the two Forwards deal damage to each other equal to their power. Shine-type cards represent heroes and villains of the Final Fantasy series, and are mostly higher-powered versions of other cards.


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